Tag: Pet Friendly Landscapes
Whether your family includes more than humans, or you’re looking to welcome birds and wildlife to your outdoor home – here’s how to design for animals.
Orange Tree Studio: Planning a Landscape for Pets
4 Eco-Friendly Additions to Make to Your Landscape Design
Is your landscape design environmentally friendly? That’s a complicated question, and environmentally conscious landscape planning is an ever-evolving study. But there are a few choices you can make right now that will have a positive impact. As a landscape architect, it’s a given that I love and celebrate the natural world and want to do […]
Butterfly Gardening: Here’s How to Attract Winged-Wonders to Your Landscape
Of all the creatures that visit gardens, butterflies are perhaps the most exotic and magical. On warm summer days they sail from one flower to another in search of nectar. In sunlight, the shimmering wings of the red-spotted purple appear iridescent. And, while the large, brightly colored swallowtails, monarchs and painted ladies tend to grab […]
Designing a Sustainable Slope
Most home landscapes in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs are on relatively flat surfaces. In this part of the Midwest, we typically don’t see steep rolling hills, but occasionally we come across projects that have slopes. It could be a drainage ditch with sloping sides. A house may be built on a lot that pitches […]
Hummingbirds Are Here!
The cool nights in early September remind me that summer is slowly giving way to fall. Right now, our gardens are experiencing some incredible visitors. Monarch butterflies are floating overhead and popping in for a drink. They spend time at late-season flowers like zinnias, lantana and other annuals and perennials because they need plenty of […]