Since 1990, Hursthouse has created enduring outdoor spaces all over Chicago.
We’ve built for more than 2600 families, drawn more than 3400 designs
and shifted more than 7 million shovels worth of soil.
We’ve built for more than 2600 families, drawn more than 3400 designs
and shifted more than 7 million shovels worth of soil.
At Hursthouse everyone is part of a team – complete with nicknames, inside jokes and traditions all their own. The people you see here aren’t just invested in your landscape. We invest in one another too.
When Bob and Robbi Hursthouse started in business, it was important that they created a company that ensured a life after landscaping. They chose a five-a-day work week for their team – almost unheard of in their industry. That intentional choice, along with countless others, reflect how they treat their teams, families and the clients they serve.
Bob Hursthouse says, “We try to make sure everyone has time to recharge, and we look for ways to help each other grow. When you focus on people’s unique abilities, you really see them thrive.”
We are proud to be a core member of NextHaus Alliance, making an impact using our long-established expertise in landscape architecture and design.
NextHaus Alliance is a unique team comprised of premier Chicago-area design and build firms that offer environmentally-sensitive work spanning architecture, design, construction, smart home technology and landscaping, in addition to our important contributing members. As with elements of nature, NextHaus Alliance members work together on seamless, integrated designs to create homes that are spectacular, smart and resilient.
Contact us to schedule a meeting to discuss your project details
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