
What if your outdoor living space felt like a gift from those who knew you best? What if the outside of your home could be a perfect fit for what’s inside it? What if form and function met in perfect union every time you looked outside your window?

That’s the Hursthouse way with landscapes. And it all begins with you.

When you first meet one of our Hursthouse landscape designers, you will dream big together. We’ll ask lots of questions – things like “what’s your favorite vacation?” and “do you prefer to eat inside or eat out?” We’ll also look at your existing home – the style, the use, the architecture – to envision how your finished landscape could be an extension of the things you love about that home already.

Bring your ideas, clips and inspirations to this first sit-down. We’ll multiply them with our own, gleaned over more than 25 years in the landscape architecture business.

Once we’ve caught your vision, then it’s time to make a plan. We’ll show you several concepts first to get your feedback and make sure we’ve captured your imagination, partnering with you to find the perfect concept for your outdoor space. We’ll give you options for the details – choices like building material or lighting style can have a huge effect on your landscape’s appearance and your project cost, and they’re ultimately yours to make.

What we won’t do is sell you on a laundry list of disconnected features. Your landscape will have a single, unifying vision. Everything will work as one. That’s how your outdoor space becomes a place of beauty. And it’s how your house becomes your home.
