Deep into the throes of winter, most of us long for spring. At Hursthouse, we for sure want you thinking spring long before it’s sprung. If you’re considering having us do some landscape work for you, the time to talk is sooner than you think. Winter is a great time for the planning phase to take place and to ask yourself the question, “Are there some things that I’d like to be different with my landscaping?”
If the answer is “yes!” then we have four suggestions for you to think about adding to any changes you may want to make to your landscaping this year that will pay off in a big way next winter:
1. Light it up.
This is a biggie. During a Chicago winter, many of us are leaving for work in the dark… and getting back home in the dark, too. Make sure your light bulbs are freshly changed heading into winter and choose landscape lighting that will cast a radiant glow during those long, dark winter nights. A well-lit landscape really makes an impact and creates a feeling of warmth.
2. Go vertical.
Thinking about winter in your design choices really pays off. You can include features that offer beauty even when not in use like
- brick-wall fire pits and fireplaces
- water fountains
- pergolas
- arbors
- other vertical features
Vertical features create a focal point that draws your eye outward and provides visual appeal – even on a downright blustery day.
3. Plant for the seasons.
Plantings aren’t meant to be enjoyed only during long summer days. Including plants with winter interest, like evergreens, berries, and plants with interesting bark in your landscape will (ahem) “spruce up” your outdoor wonderland.
4. Capture the warmth.
You can always light your fire pit, but if you want to spend any length of time outside, controlled heat is key. A covered structure or pergola with a heater can dramatically change the impact of the cold. Add a raised brick wall with a TV and stereo speakers, and you can comfortably watch the Super Bowl outside!
Your outdoor heaters can be mobile, or you can permanently mount them —creating a heated space that you can enjoy all through the winter.
Stuck in the gray days of winter, it’s easy to find yourself daydreaming about days by the pool and breakfast on the patio. In fact, just writing that sentence made me smile. But while you’re focusing on the “big” season, keep in mind that the choices you make today can really make for a better tomorrow—throughout the year!
And if you have any friends who are thinking of working with us, please remind them that now is the time to plant those “seeds” and give us a call so that their project can be in full swing this summer!