Tag: Privacy
Wish your outdoor home felt a little more secluded from the neighbors? Here are some ways to enhance privacy with good landscape design.
Up and Away: Vertical Elements for the Garden
Many gardens remind us of their counterparts indoors—a living room, dining room or kitchen. The garden typically has a floor, walls and a ceiling made with plants and hardscape elements—things like pavers, decks, arbors and fences. Ground covers, such as hostas and ferns or coneflowers and catmint, along with the lawn, serve as the garden’s […]
Living Outside the Box
Now that holiday parties and get-togethers are finished, our team likes to brainstorm various ways to create outdoor spaces that make entertaining comfortable and fun. Perhaps you attended an event where you’re bumping elbows and edging around guests while you try to get to the appetizers or the dining table. In other situations, you may have […]